Artikel mit dem Tag "Impact"
21. März 2018
Natürlich bin ich manchmal müde und habe den Wunsch, das Handtuch zu werfen. Doch wie lautete eine Weisheit aus einem Film? Es geht nicht darum, wieviel man austeilen, sondern einstecken kann. Zu scheitern definiert nicht unsere Persönlichkeit, sondern wie wir darauf reagieren. Wenn man persönlich bereit ist, diesen Prozess zu genießen, nimmt man das Leben viel intensiver wahr. Und das ist schön.
01. Dezember 2016
How do we inspire young people to get into science? While its importance increases permanently, the popularity of science is still low. Mainly, due to the unawareness, young people do not know about the career opportunities in science. Science still has that geeky image that appeals to nerds most of the time. The societal role of science is immense as it provides answers to question we raise all the time. Every little invention, every great product we use, goes back to scientific discoveries....
20. September 2016
When talking about improvements of our educational system, there are a lot things to consider. To my mind, it all comes down to the learning environment we create for our students. And I do not mean that strictly architecturally. More than anything, creating a learning environment is a pedagogical question. There are many different types of learning spaces. But the most important thing is the focus on the result, the pedagogical outcome. I could not care less about the name of any given type of...